Gaining wisdom through age shouldn’t prevent anyone from ministering and having fellowship with one another.
Our First Senior’s group enjoys getting together for such things.  We are partnering with the Camden Senior Center to go and experience life as God would have us.  God’s Word reminds us in Isaiah 46:4 that God will “be the same until your old age, and I will bear you up when you turn grey.  I have made you, and I will carry you; I will bear and save you.” We rest in the promise that HE is in control.
We have Several GREAT Community groups that meet on Sunday mornings after worship for Bible Study. Classes are taught by Jim Austin, John Reed, and Marko Winters.

Please Contact David Boyd at 731-468-4771 (cell) for more information.

We partner with the Benton County Senior Adult Center for many activities.  Check them out at Facebook:  Benton County Senior Center.

Here are some weekly activities at the Senior Center:
Tues.  3-5PM - This and That – games, music and potluck meal
Wed   10-11am - Bingo.

FBCamden Sr Adults Ministry

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